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Smoked salmon with marinated zucchini, artichoke, quinoa salad and a fresh anchovy dressing with lime

Presented on a Palmer Ecogres plate

For 4 persons
Preparation time: 30 minutes


4 artichokes
1 lemon, squeezed
1 zucchini
4 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp honey
4 anchovy fillets
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp crème fraîche
1 lime, grated and squeezed
1 clove of garlic, squeezed
300 g of cooked quinoa
400 g smoked salmon
Pepper and salt


1. Remove the stems and lower leaves from the artichokes with a sharp knife. Boil water in a large pot along with lemon juice and cook the artichokes for 25 minutes.
2. Mix the white wine vinegar with the honey and a pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl. Make long ribbons of the zucchini and marinate them in the vinegar honey marinade until ready.
3. Puree the anchovy fillets together with the mustard, crème fraîche, lime juice and zest and clove of garlic into a fresh dressing. Spoon the dressing through the cooked quinoa.
4. Divide the quinoa salad among four Palmer Ecogres plates, place the smoked salmon next to the quinoa salad and arrange the zucchini ribbons nicely curled on the salad.
5. Finish this flashy dish with a boiled artichoke on each plate.

Tip: Make some extra dressing to dip the artichoke leaves in!

Recipe: Julie Teeken